
On 5 and 6 October it will be held also the Mid-Term Conference of the Italian Association of Sociology (AIS).

For further details on the programme, please visit the website




The ESA Research Network Sociology of Social Policy and Social Welfare (RN26) invites network members and other sociologists/social scientists interested in the topic to our midterm conference, taking place on October 4-5 in Catania (Italy).
The event is hosted by the University of Catania, represented by Prof. Teresa Consoli. We are very happy to welcome Prof. Anneli Anttonen (University of Tampere) for the key note.

It is a Research Center of the University of Catania established in 2004 at the headquarters of the Department of Political and Social Sciences. The idea was to create an inter-institutional place for the design, experimentation and evaluation of public policies, institutional actions and services to people. Laposs is co-organizer of ESA RN27 Mid-term conference 2018.



ISVI is a non-profit association established in Catania in 1972. It carries out qualification and specialization programs for cultural and social operators, training courses for young people to start up at work and for public administration officials, studies and researches on the use of the territory on social and economic planning, on political and administrative institutions on employment and the organization of work. ISVI is co-organizer of ESA RN27 Mid-term conference 2018.